Ageless Male Review 2017
- Availability
- Price
- Variety
- Clinical Studies
- Doctor Recommendations
- User Reviews
- Risk of Side Effects
We give Ageless Male an overall rating of Okay/Acceptable, for three important reasons. Firstly, it is widely available. That is a plus. Secondly, it’s cost effective overall as a male enhancement supplement. Many similar supplements cost more, and a few cost less. So it is in the mid-range.However, thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, there’s just not enough evidence in support of this product to to be able to say it works, or what exactly it would mean to say it works. Because the product is a testosterone booster, it would have to actually increase testosterone in order to be considered effective. But there’s not a lot of indication among user reviews to say that Ageless Male can increase testosterone. Our guidance would be to consult a doctor first and then consider purchasing somewhere you can get your money back if you don’t notice a difference.
Ageless Male is one of the most popular male enhancement dietary supplements available on the market, but does it work? All male enhancement pills work essentially the same way, though Ageless Male differs slightly. Ageless Male is a concentrated supplement specifically for increasing levels of testosterone. It is intended to have significant improvements in men’s sexual health, but unlike other products that claim to be fast-acting or lead to “rock hard” erections, Ageless Male works differently than that.
What is Ageless Male?
Ageless Male is manufactured by New Vitality, which makes several other supplements for men and women. From the website description, Ageless male is designed to help men who are getting older, tired, or unmotivated. It’s also for men with declining levels of libido and performance. The product is supposed to lead to higher levels of satisfaction around sexual performance and also general vitality.
But the primary purpose of Ageless Male is to boost testosterone. According to the product’s website, “the key ingredients in Ageless Male have been clinically shown to help naturally boost testosterone levels.” If testosterone levels are where they should be, strong sexual performance, energy levels, and ability to gain lean muscle mass will be easier. However, it should be noted that low levels of testosterone are not the only contributor to erectile dysfunction or poor sexual performance. In fact, there are some indications that an increase in testosterone alone won’t help with something like soft erections or premature ejaculation, since those issues have more to do with blood flow and circulation than testosterone.
Ageless Male Benefits and Claims
The manufacturers of Ageless Male make four primary claims about the product. They say that it’s purposes are to (1) increase sex drive, (2) boost performance, (3) promote muscle health, and (4) support energy. Three of those claims – supporting energy, boosting performance, and promoting muscle health – are incredibly general. While this may help the company avoid false advertising, it doesn’t help users determine if Ageless Male will really help their specific problems. The claims are too general to be of any real help in determining if it works.
According to one user review site, Ageless Male claims to be “clinically proven” to improve testosterone levels by 50%. However, that may be an old claim. Per the company website today, the company claims that Ageless Male is the “number one selling testosterone booster on the market today” and doesn’t make any specific claims about how much testosterone can be boosted.
Among other things, the product’s website says that Ageless Male may increase libido, sex drive, and desire. For men who are also working out and trying to build lean muscle mass, Ageless Male may support gains. Men taking Ageless Male can expect an increase in energy metabolism, also. The product is definitely targeted to men over 40, based on the product information.
Complete Evaluation and Review of Ageless Male Pills
We have done a complete evaluation of Ageless Male pills based on user reviews, research available on the product and its ingredients, and information provided by the company itself. We also look at other factors, including how easy it is to buy the product, what it costs compared to similar products, what users are saying about it, and if there is any support for it either from clinical studies and research, or from doctors or other medical health professionals.
What we looked at:
- Availability
- Price
- Variety
- Clinical studies
- Doctor recommendations
- User reviews
- Risks of side effects
Our results:
We’ve rated Ageless Male based on the above criteria, from 0 (Very Poor) to 5 (Excellent).
Ratings for Ageless Male |
Availability |
5 (Excellent) – The product is widely available. In fact, it is just about everywhere. You can get Ageless Male at many grocery stores and pharmacies. You can also buy it online in several places. It’s available on,, and the Vitamin Shop, just to name a few. You can also purchase Ageless Male directly on the manufacturer’s website. |
Price |
4 (Good) – Some users claim that the product is expensive, but when compared with similar male enhancement supplements, it is not more expensive than average. A bottle of 60 tables will run anywhere from $22.50 to $40.00, but it’s taken daily in a dose of 2 tablets. That comes out to around $1.04 per day, on average. It is definitely expensive from the general energy supplement standpoint, but if it’s considered a male enhancement pill, it is cheaper than many. |
Variety |
1 (Poor) – There are no varieties. This is a specific type of supplement with a very narrow purpose. If you are looking for a male enhancement supplement that has a few different varieties you can choose from, depending on your issue or budget, this is not the one for you. We would have given Ageless Male a higher rating for variety if, for example, there were a Premium or Max variety that had a more potent blend of ingredients, or if there were varieties that claimed to do more than just boost testosterone and energy. Or, if there were different options to choose from for pricing. |
Clinical Studies |
2 (Lacking) – There aren’t clinical studies or research to support the claims for Ageless Male. That is a fact. There IS clinical research to support the claims of one of the key ingredients. However, for the company to say that the product is clinically proven is a bit of a stretch. It is not Ageless Male that is proven, but one of the ingredients. Ageless Male adds three additional ingredients, which may have a counter-effect on the key ingredient. If the company can provide clinical studies on Ageless Male as a product, we would support a higher rating here. |
Doctor Recommendations |
3 (Okay) – In an Ageless Male commercial that is available on YouTube, a physician named Dr. Darren Clair appears to recommend Ageless Male. That was in 2013. The product has since changed ingredients, and the review isn’t in writing, only video. It’s also not available on the company’s website. Dr. Darren Clair is a real physician though, specializing in hormone therapy, so a recommendation from him would be a positive thing. |
User Reviews |
3 (Okay) – There are plenty of reviews for Ageless Male. Many are positive, and some are negative. There are enough positive reviews, however, to support the assumption that for many people, Ageless Male works. We are giving Ageless Male an Okay rating for user reviews because while there are many positive reviews, there are not many that specifically talk about an increase in testosterone levels. That is exactly what the product claims to do, and that doesn’t seem to be proven either by science or indicated by reviews. |
Risk of Side Effects |
4 (Good) – There are few ingredients in Ageless Male to begin with, and the ones that are there are vitamins and trace minerals that, in large quantities, don’t have side effects. Fenugreek may cause some mild side effects, but none of the other ingredients in the product should cause any side effects at all. We are giving Ageless Male a Good rating for the risk of side effects. |
Overall Rating |
3 (Okay) – Overall, we give Ageless Male an Okay rating. It is acceptable. There are no major side effects, its cost effective as a male enhancement pill, and it is widely available. There are major drawbacks though, one of them being that it may not work at all and many men have said that it doesn’t. So for that reason, we believe it’s Okay, but not necessarily Good. |
Pros and Cons of Ageless Male Pills
Here are our Ageless Male pros and cons, based on user reviews and manufacturer’s description of the product.
- Widely available
- Cost-effective when compared to similar products
- A large number of user reviews
- Very low risk of side effects
- Natural ingredients that are normally found in food
- Can be returned if you’re dissatisfied
- One doctor recommendation
Cons/Potential Issues
- Some indication that the product doesn’t work
- Singular focus – boosting testosterone – and doesn’t address many other sexual performance issues
- Lack of clinical studies
Does ageless male work?
Ageless Male claims primarily to boost testosterone in men. However, all by itself, that doesn’t mean much. It all depends on what issues the low testosterone is causing, so let’s take a look at those issues and what taking Ageless Male could do to improve them.
Low libido: Declining levels of testosterone in men can lead to low libido, which is sex drive. Low libido could negatively impact sexual performance and happiness. Having low levels of libido can negatively impact sexual relationships, too. Ageless Male claims to increase sex drive. But really, it is through the increase in testosterone that sex drive can increase.
Loss of strength/muscle mass: Another symptom of a decline in testosterone is that muscles can begin to weaken, and it may become increasingly difficult to gain new muscle mass. Taking Ageless Male can help reverse that effect if it is able to increase your testosterone level.
Low sperm count/production: Testosterone helps to maintain healthy levels of sperm in the body, as well. So if you are experiencing a decline in testosterone, this may be a symptom. Taking Ageless Male should also be able to help your body produce more sperm once your testosterone levels are high again.
The problem where Ageless Male is concerned is that the results are so mixed. Some users claim to have more energy and feel better than before, but that is a very broad response. If you’re struggling with symptoms of low testosterone, will Ageless Male help? It’s really tough to say.
What users are saying:
- “So small of an increase, that it could have been additionally increased because of certain foods that I was eating.”
- “Did absolutely nothing for me!”
- “My husband has been taking these for 5 months and we have seen a huge improvement in his energy level as well as other areas.”
- “Great product. My husband says he notices a boost in energy without the side effects of artificial testosterone.”
- “Seems to help”
- “I’ve taken it for 30 days with no improvement.”
As you can see, user reviews for the product are very mixed. Most of the positive reviews we found say that it helps with increased energy level or helps to lose weight. There are very few positive reviews about an increase in sex drive, libido, or anything else having to do with sexual performance. Despite the claims about the product on the New Vitality website, much of the discussion around what the product can do for men has to do with energy levels, stamina specifically for working out, and just feeling better overall.
What makes Ageless Male work?
There are only four main ingredients in Ageless Male: Vitamin B6 (245% daily value), Magnesium, Zinc, and Testofen standardized fenugreek extract.
Testofen is a natural plant extract, and there is research to support this product’s ability to significantly increase testosterone in men. According to the manufacturers, the fenugreek herbal extract is the key ingredient in Ageless male; it is the fenugreek that is responsible for boosting testosterone. This has been demonstrated in clinical studies.
Other ingredients: Soybean oil, gelatin, glycerin, soy lecithin, purified water, bees wax, annatto, caramel.
Is Ageless Male safe to use?
From what we can see, yes. The three vitamins and trace minerals in the product aren’t associated with any real side effects. The main concern with those is making sure you get enough. All human bodies need those three nutrients to function, so having them in another daily supplement is only helpful, not harmful.
Side effects and contraindications for Ageless Male
Side effects
Fenugreek has some irritating side effects. Known side effects for fenugreek include diarrhea, upset stomach, and gas. Some people have allergic reactions to it, as well. It can also cause mild respiratory problems. All herbs come with the same advice: consult a physician. Unlike the vitamins and minerals in this product, fenugreek is not completely side-effect free and the benefits of it can be obtained through other ways. If you find out you cannot tolerate fenugreek, avoid this product.
Aside from the fenugreek, there aren’t any contraindications for the ingredients in Ageless Male. Because fenugreek is an herb, there is the potential for issues or intolerance. Talk with a doctor before taking Ageless Male or any other male enhancement pill.
Where to Buy Ageless Male Pills
You can buy Ageless Male in many retail stores, including grocery stores or pharmacies. The best thing to do is look for it online because you’ll be able to find brick and mortar stores as well as online stores that carry it, and any associated costs and differences. It is sold on as well.
You can also buy the product directly from the manufacturer, New Vitality. If you purchase it from New Vitality, you can return it for a refund within 30 days if you’re not satisfied.